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Our Academics

 As we utilize the the best multi-sensory, researched based curriculum, and employ experienced, committed and loving mentors, we are able to individualize the classroom and implement strategies that educate the mind, touch the heart, and inspire the hands to go to work to better the lives of all.

The Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) created a curriculum that has been around for decades and has won multiple awards. The Latter-day Learning curriculum we use takes what FACE created and aligns it with the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

What makes this curriculum so outstanding is how it harmoniously blends rigorous academics with eternal truths by looking for gospel parallels in nature and by recognizing God's hand throughout history. 


The Riggs phonogram program is time and research tested. Riggs has a proven track record of improving fluency and spelling by teaching the sounds of the English language and their rules (yes, there are rules!).


Writing is closely linked with literacy because great readers are great writers. Our students read great literature and write a lot. Grammar is constantly taught and reinforced as students fine tune their writing skills.


Saxon stands the test of time. Students who learn math through Saxon consistently score higher on standardized tests due to its unique spiral approach where math concepts are constantly reviewed and reinforced. 

"And all thy children shall by taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children." ~Isaiah 54:13

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Liberty Youth Academy

EIN: 87-3694236

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